Log Cabin Republicans have decided to take a hike (some haters would love that) to Margaret Lake in the Snoqualmie Pass Region. This is a good way to socialize with other likeminded people along a semi-alpine route to beautiful and secluded Margaret Lake.
The WTA website says it’s a 6-mile hike (roundtrip) but when I hiked it recently it seemed more like an 8-mile hike (roundtrip) Either length it’s a great hike and a chance to socialize. Bring shoes you can walk/hike in, lunch, water, maybe some bug spray and if weather requires it some waterproof attire.
We will be meeting at the trail parking lot at 9AM on Saturday, September 17. (there is parking for about 20 cars and there is room along the road too) look for the gray vehicle with the American flag and that'll be us. We look forward to seeing you there.
Drive on I-90 to Exit 54, signed for Hyak. Turn north and pass under the freeway, then turn right on the frontage road signed for Gold Creek. This road may be very crowded on weekends.
After a mile on this road, pass the parking area for Gold Creek road and continue straight onto Forest Road (FR) 4832. You're driving east, paralleling the freeway, before the road pitches up. Nearly 4 miles from exiting the freeway, turn left onto FR 4934, and after a quarter mile, the parking area (which is also used for Mount Margaret) will be on your left.

September 17, 2022 at 9:00am - 3pm