Log Cabin Republicans February 2025 Meet Up
Join Log Cabin Republicans of Washington for our June gathering where we provide the opportunity for connections and
can discuss the latest issues of the day. Again, to borrow one of the Left's phrases it’s our "safe space".
The date is February 22, 2025 which is a Saturday. It starts at 6:00PM and our gatherings there usually run for about three hours.
We have been able to return to a restaurant in North Seattle where we'll have our own private dining room where you can
order dinner and or beverages if you desire. This month we are meeting in the larger dining room at the bottom of the stairs
to the left.
There is street parking and lot parking, good access to/from Interstate 5 and it’s on two major bus lines.
Please RSVP here or at [email protected] and we'll provide the name and location of the restaurant.
Save the date and bring a friend, we look forward to seeing you!
Log Cabin's January 2025 Meet Up
Hello and Happy New Year!
This is our first meet up of 2025 which this month is on SUNDAY January 26th evening not our usual Saturday nights.
Our meeting start at 6pm and run about 3 hours.
In addition to socializing there are some Log Cabin related items to discuss. As of this posting we may Yakima County GOP
Commissioner (and former Log Cabin chapter leader) Kyle Curtis speak to our group. If that changes I will keep you posted.
We have been able to return to a restaurant in North Seattle where we'll have our own private dining room where you can order
inner and or beverages if you desire.
There is street parking, good access to/from Interstate 5 and its on two major bus lines.
Please RSVP here or at [email protected] and we'll provide the name and location
of the restaurant.
Save the date and bring a friend, we look forward to seeing you!
Merry Christmas 2024
Merry Christmas!
Log Cabin Republicans October 2024 Meeting
Dave Reichert who is running for governor will be our guest speaker this month. He will talk about the race, his opponent, the state of the state party and everything else and he will take questions from us too.
The October meeting is on a SUNDAY evening starting at 6pm and they run three hours.
(FYI, we do not meet in November and have a Christmas party in December at a private residence (location TBD later on)
This month we are returning to the North Seattle pizza restaurant that gives us a private dining room for free (free is always good). You can order dinner or drinks (soda, beer or wine) and not order anything at all. Just come to hear our next governor speak and be in a place with other LGBT Republicans and allies present.
Please RSVP for the location.
There is on and off street parking, good freeway access and its on two major bus routes.
We look forward to seeing you there, bring a friend.
Log Cabin Republicans August 2024 Meet Up
We have a number of people who have traveled up to the Seattle area to attend Log Cabin Republican events for which we are grateful.
On Saturday, August 24th at 7PM Log Cabin Republicans will host a gathering down in Vancouver, Washington. (That is located in Clark County near Portland for those of you from Rio Linda)
Of course likeminded people from Portland are invited to attend also.
This is a chance for local LGBT and straight but not narrow folk to socialize with other likeminded folk to discuss all the relevant (and irrelevant) issues of the day.
Please note there is road work/bridge maintenance on southbound I-5 in the city of Woodland. That can sometimes close one to two lanes of the freeway creating delays. This may affect travel for those coming from the north to Vancouver.
If you are interested, please RSVP here or via or email at [email protected] or www.logcabinwashington.com and we'll provide the location.
We look forward to seeing you
Memorial Day
Those remember who fought for us and did not return on Memorial Day
LCRW January 2024 meetup
Hello and Happy New Year!
Log Cabin Republicans of Washington is having its monthly meet up.
Up date: Our speaker, Raul Garcia who is running for US Senate WILL NOT be here this month, he was not feeling well so we have rescheduled him for our February 24th meeting instead.
The date is January 20th, 2024, which is a Saturday. It starts at 6PM and our gatherings there usually run three hours.
We have been able to return to a restaurant in North Seattle where we'll have our own private dining room where you can order dinner and or beverages if you desire.
There is street parking, good access to/from Interstate 5 and its on two major bus lines.
Please RSVP here or at [email protected] and we'll provide the name and location of the restaurant.
Save the date and bring a friend, we look forward to seeing you!