Join Log Cabin Republicans of Washington for our March gathering where we provide the opportunity for connections and can discuss the latest issues of the day.
State Representative Skyler Rude has offered to speak to our group this month provided he can get away from the Legislature in a timely manner that day. The 25th is the 84th day of the legislature's 105 day session so his visit is tentative at present. If he cannot attend then our meetup will be purely a social meeting.
Again to borrow one of the Left's phrases its our "safe space".
The date is March 25, 2023 which is a Saturday. It starts at 6:00PM and our gatherings there usually run about three hours.
We have been able to return to a restaurant in North Seattle where we'll have our own private dining room where you can order dinner and or beverages if you desire.
There is street parking, good access to/from Interstate 5 and its on two major bus lines.
Please RSVP here or at [email protected] and we'll provide the name and location of the restaurant.
Save the date and bring a friend, we look forward to seeing you!
March 25, 2023 at 6:00pm - 9pm